25 May, 2011

7 Days Left!

Yes I'm in a comedy contest tonight where I could possibly win a basket of fries.  As exciting as that is, the most important thing to me right now is getting Season 2 of Short Term off the ground with a successful fundraising campaign.  We have 7 days left of our IndieGoGo rally!  We need your help!  We have some exciting plans for Season 2 but many of them we can't pull off without funding so donate, donate, donate.  Tell your friends, your family, your dog - we could use a set mascot.  Anything helps!

How do you donate you might ask?  Well, visit our IndieGoGo campaign page and learn more.  It's super easy and there are some cool perks for certain donation levels.  :)  Got other questions?  Hit us up at info@shortterm.tv.


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