28 May, 2007

White Garment Affair/Famecast

Hey kidz! I just want to give a big holla to the ladies of the VIBE Agency who put on a kick ass partee last night at Bar Twenty3. If you didn't make it then you missed some of the hottest people in Nashville looking their best in white. Well-done ladies. I look forward to next year. If you made it by to chat with me on the carpet or if you just want to check out what went down then visit www.nashvilleedge.com

As for me, I am currently listed on www.famecast.com for stand-up comedy/film short. PLEASE VOTE FOR ME. That's right, I have no shame. check me out at www.famecast.com/heatherho

Have a wonderful Memorial Day. Show your support and pinch a troop's ass.


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